The Real Birth Company
Covid-19 Antenatal Teaching Procedures and Advice
Assessing the risk
You are legally required to keep a written record of your risk assessment if you employ 5 or more people however it is really good practice for everyone to document any assessments and implementations made relating to Covid-19. Our guidelines should be used in conjunction with any guidelines produced by the government of the country in which you practice
Limit the size of classes so there is a minimum 2 metre space surrounding each client
Ensure in advance of the class that correct contact details are held for each client
Where possible take payment in advance or use contactless or online payment facilities. If you have to use cash wash and sanitise your hands after handling it.
Contact each client 24 hours before their class to confirm their Covid-19 status. Your questions should include,
- Do you currently have Covid-19 or any symptoms of Covid-19
- Have you had Covid-19
- Does anyone in your household or support bubble have Covid-19 or symptoms of Covid-19
- Have you been in close contact with anyone else in the past 14 days who has symptoms of Covid-19 or been contacted by the NHS Test and Trace service and told to self isolate?
Ask clients to bring their own refreshments
In advance of a class assess the physical environment. Remove any non-essential items and keep soft furnishings to a minimum
Using disposable gloves apply diluted disinfectant to all surfaces including solid flooring and soft furnishings such as seating, bean bags, cushions and floor mats. Sanitise communal areas such as toilets providing antibacterial handwash and disposable hand towels. In addition, consider whether you need to sanitise the following,
- Door knockers, door handles, bell pushes, entry buzzers
- Light switches, pull cords and buttons
- Handrails, banisters, internal doors
- Pens, pencils, pads and clipboards
- Payment terminals
Attendees should not be kept in waiting rooms prior to a class but should be encouraged to arrive at the correct time and to telephone on approach
On arrival re-confirm the clients Covid-19 status
If a client displays or reports symptoms you believe could be Covid-19 related do not permit them to continue into the class and ask them to return home and contact the NHS 111 Coronavirus service
At the entrance to the building provide each client with their own hand sanitiser which is to be used throughout the class and upon exit from the building, tissues which can be disposed of in a foot operated pedal bin and an optional face shield.
Show each client to their allocated space ensuring they maintain the appropriate distance from other attendees and ask them to voluntarily complete track and trace details as follows,
- Client/s name
- Contact telephone number for each client
- Date of class attended, arrival and departure time
- Name of teacher/s interacted with
This information will be retained for 21 days in accordance with NHS guidelines after which it will be securely disposed of
Where possible adapt teaching methods to keep handling teaching aids to a minimum. If aids are used, they must be sanitised between contact with each individual
At the end of each class ask attendees to sanitise their hands and make sure all used tissues have been disposed of correctly then ask them to leave separately through the designated exit
Deep clean all areas of use after every class
When to cancel
You must stop teaching classes if you are contacted by the NHS Test and Trace service advising you that you’ve been in close contact with someone diagnosed with Covid-19 or if you or someone you live with has symptoms of Covid-19, you must self isolate and visit NHS 111 online coronavirus service
Download link bellow for all the information covered above:
For our Teachers, download our Track and Trace document bellow: